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40 Years of Business Support

  • by @inc
  • 06-06-2024





As our country continues to face political upheaval, our priority at MENTA remains to provide the crucial lifeline of support and advice for our new, emerging and existing micro businesses as we have done for the last 40 years.


Our mission is to support our local communities to thrive. Over the past four decades we have successfully navigated unprecedented change in our regional and global economies, as well as the business support landscape which underpins their success.

Elections bring further uncertainty. But as the consistent first choice provider of business support – on the ground, locally – for 40 years, we will continue to focus on supporting our communities, building skills, enterprise and employability – delivering business growth, enhancing skills and diversity in local communities, generating growth and increasing success.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we offer fully-funded subsidised services to new, emerging and existing microbusinesses across the whole of Norfolk and Suffolk, understanding that the success of our region is inextricably linked to the success of the new and existing micro businesses that make up 87% of both county’s economies.

With the right support ecosystem in place, including access to funding, mentorship, and market opportunities, startups and micro-businesses have the potential to catalyse economic growth, foster innovation, and shape the future of our communities.

If you are looking at accessing business advice and support or accessing grant funding across Suffolk and Norfolk, contact MENTA, the region’s most recommended business training organisation.



Bison Electrical Services


More than 200 businesses have already been supported by MENTA's Digital Springboard Programme funded by East Suffolk Council.


With its recent extension there is still opportunity for more businesses in East Suffolk to utilise this fantastic training and support.


"The help we have received through the Digital Springboard and MENTA has been invaluable - it has helped us grow online and expand our business"


Find out how Bison Electrical Services benefited here


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